India court clears way for Delhi gang-rape verdict

India’s Supreme Court cleared the way
Thursday for a juvenile court to hand down
its verdict on a teenager charged over the
fatal gang-rape of a student last December.
The juvenile court has delayed giving its
verdict four times on the teenager, one of
six originally accused of the deadly assault
which shocked India and sparked weeks of
protests, because of a legal challenge.
But the Supreme Court said Thursday that
the court should go ahead regardless of its
hearing on a petition for a review of the
juvenile law.
“The juvenile board can go ahead with its
proceedings and pass orders accordingly,”
Chief Justice P Sathasivam said.
Politician Subramanian Swamy, an
opposition leader, has filed the petition in
the Supreme Court arguing that suspects
aged over 16 who are accused of serious
offences should be tried in adult courts.
The teenager was 17 at the time of the
crime, which saw the 23-year-old victim die
of internal injuries inflicted during the
savage attack on a moving bus on December
The juvenile court is now expected to hand
down its verdict at its next hearing on
August 31.
The attack generated widespread anger
about endemic sex crime in India. Public
outrage and protests pushed parliament to
pass a new law toughening sentences for
rapists, while a round of public soul-
searching sought to explain the rising tide
of violence against women.
The trial of the adult suspects — one of
whom died in jail from a suspected suicide
in March — continues in a separate court
which has started hearing final arguments.
Swamy said he was “completely satisfied”
with the judgement of the Supreme Court
which agreed to hear his petition into a
review of the juvenile law in general, but not
specifically on the juvenile’s case.
The juvenile, a runaway who reportedly left
home aged 11, can be sent to a correctional
facility for a maximum three-year term if
found guilty. The term will take into account
the time he has already spent in custody.
The four remaining adults could face the
death penalty if convicted.AFP