S/Africa opposes military intervention in Syria

The South African Government
has said that it is opposed to any form of
military intervention in Syria as some
Western countries ponder their reaction to
the alleged use of chemical weapons in the
The Department of International Relations
and Co-operation said while it remained
“deeply concerned about the continuing
violence and rapidly deteriorating human
rights situation” in Syria, it did not believe in
bombing the country.
“South Africa is alarmed at the latest
escalation in the conflict in the Syrian Arab
Republic and condemns the use of chemical
weapons,” said Department spokesperson
Clayson Monyela.
“The use of these weapons in Syria is of
serious concern and is wholly unacceptable
by any standard. No cause could ever justify
the use of weapons of mass destruction,”
he said.
However, Monyela said “bombing the
already suffering people and crumbling
infrastructure of Syria will not contribute to
a sustainable solution”.
Meanwhile, South Africa’s Archbishop
Desmond Tutu has warned against military
action to punish Syria for its alleged use of
chemical weapons.
He called instead for “human intervention”
and the need for more time for UN
inspectors to conclude their investigations
into the alleged use of chemical weapons
that left many dead or injured.